Team Savage shooter Matt Alwine had a pair of impressive performances in this year’s National Rifle League (NRL) Hunter Match Series. Alwine secured first-place victories in both the Ghost Hunter and Steel City Safari matches, showcasing exceptional skill and precision in competitive shooting.
Alwine captured first place in the Open Heavy division at both matches shooting a custom Savage 110 Elite Precision rifle chambered in 25 Creedmoor.

His consecutive NRL Hunter Open Heavy division triumphs occurred in Paulden, Arizona, at the NRL Arizona Ghost Hunter Match held January 19-21, and Vance, Alabama, which hosted the Steel City Safari Match held February 9-11.
The NRL Hunter Match Series takes place across the United States and attracts top-tier marksmen and women to test their shooting abilities in challenging scenarios.
Alwine walked away from the Arizona Ghost Hunter Match with 129 match points, and the Steel City Safari Match with 126 match points.
“We’re honored to have a marksman like Matt Alwine on the team and we congratulate him on these two Open Heavy wins,” Savage Arms Director of Marketing Beth Shimanski said. “Savage firearms are built to perform at top accuracy, so it’s reaffirming to see these top results from our Savage team using Savage products. We look forward to more wins as the 2024 season progresses.”
Learn more about the NRL Hunter Match Series at nrlhunter.org. For the latest from Savage Arms, go to savagearms.com.