The 2024 Daisy BB Gun Nationals will kick off in Rogers, Arkansas, on Monday, July 1, with the opening ceremony. NRA President Bob Barr will be among the speakers at the opening ceremony, which will be live streamed via the Daisy Outdoor Products YouTube channel at 4:30 p.m.
You can watch the live stream on YouTube at this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/8yx0b2pB6d0?si=rRCDt8ZGvJmXYvGZ.
Additionally, you can scan the QR code below to watch the opening ceremony live stream on YouTube.

In addition to NRA President Bob Barr, another special guest at the opening ceremony will be Scott Stuhr, the national program coordinator for the 4H Shooting Sports program.
Youth teams from across the country compete at the Daisy BB Gun Nationals, with 15 states to be represented this year. Many teams have been competing at the Daisy BB Gun Nationals in Arkansas each summer for the past decade.
More about the competition: The Daisy BB Gun Nationals brings teams of youth ages eight to 15 from around the country to the Rogers Convention Center to compete for the national championship of BB gun shooting. Teams at the Daisy BB Gun Nationals consist of five shooters and two alternates. These teams have practiced and competed all year for the chance to qualify and must place in the top three positions in a state match to get an invitation. At the match, competitors shoot at an official target placed at five meters. They fire 10 shots each in four positions—Standing, Sitting, Kneeling and Prone. All competitors at the match will shoot a Daisy Model 499B five-meter BB gun. Each shot is worth up to 10 points, for a total of 400 possible, but each competitor must also take a test that covers gun safety and general gun and match knowledge. The test is worth 100 points, so each competitor is shooting for 500 points.
The 2024 Daisy BB Gun Nationals will end with the closing ceremony on Wednesday, July 3.
Learn more about the 2024 Daisy BB Gun Nationals at daisynationals.com.