Jessie Duff won an eighth overall Ladies Open National title at the 2017 Steel Challenge National Championships. Additionally, she won the High Lady title for .22LR Rimfire Optics and third place in Single Stack. The match was held March 30-April 1 at the South River Gun Club in Covington, GA.
Last year, Duff took top Overall Single Stack and Ladies Open honors at the 2016 World Speed Shooting Championships, held at the SLOSA Hogue Action Pistol Range in San Luis Obispo, CA. The captain of Team Taurus USA, Jessie Duff is a Grand Master in USPSA's Open, Limited and Single Stack divisions.

Duff, who has won multiple Bianchi Cup Lady Championships, is a seasoned veteran when it comes to reaching the top of the podium, and the 2017 Steel Challenge National Championship proved no different. She started shooting competitively at age 15, learning from her father, a Cowboy Action shooter. When she turned 18, she witnessed her first Steel Challenge competition and realized this was the type of shooting she wanted to master. The rest is history.
She trusted ELEY ammunition to help her win the High Lady title in .22LR Rimfire Optics. Duff chooses ELEY contact for it’s consistency and accuracy for training and competition. ELEY contact is a 42-grain subsonic round engineered to perform in any rimfire semi-automatic firearm.
Learn more about Jessie Duff at her website: www.jessieduff.net.