At the 2024 Memorial 3-Gun competition held in Maxton, North Carolina, from October 11-13, Federal-sponsored shooter Varick Beise not only secured the overall win, but also won first place in the Open Division and the Special Forces Association pistol side competition.
Beise’s final time was 560.23 seconds, about 11 seconds better than the runner-up, Jon Wiedell.
According to event organizers, the Memorial 3-Gun match isn't just about the sport, but remembering our fallen heroes and honoring them and their families.
“Memorial 3-Gun is a 10-stage match; each stage honors a fallen soldier from the Special Forces community. The match proceeds to help the Gold Star families of these soldiers, and it is one of the many things this organization does to help ease the burdens put on these families,” Beise said.
His best stage at the 2024 Memorial 3-Gun Competition was Stage 5, which Beise completed in 37.76 seconds with no penalty time added.
“My Federal ammo gave me the performance and confidence I needed,” Beise said. “I was lucky to have the opportunity to shoot on a squad of great people. Everyone was there to compete at their best while enjoying the moment and remembering why we were there.”
Beise shoots a variety of Federal ammunition during competition. For handgun, he chooses a Syntech PCC 9 mm 130-grain. For shotgun, he shoots Federal’s Action Shotgun target loads and Truball rifled slugs. For rifle, he selects American Eagle .223 Rem. 55-grain FMJ for close and moderate ranges, along with the Gold Medal .223 Rem. 69-grain Sierra MatchKing load for long-range competition.
“With the Syntech in my pistol, I get a soft-shooting round that works the comp well, making for a flat, fast-cycling gun that still has good down-range energy. Federal Action Shot Shell was designed specifically to run in shotguns like mine,” Beise said. “I shoot Federal American Eagle for anything within 200 yards and the heavier 69-grain Gold Medal bullets for shots at greater distances where precise accuracy is needed.”
See the full results of the 2024 Memorial 3-Gun Competition at the Practiscore website.
Learn more about Federal Ammunition at federalpremium.com.