On Thursday, May 28, the NRA released the below statement regarding lifting the suspension of all sanctioned matches, beginning in July. This announcement updates the previous one from the end of April.
The NRA is pleased to announce that beginning June 15, 2020, the NRA Competitive Shooting Division will begin accepting tournament registrations for sanctioned matches taking place on or after July 1, 2020. Clubs and match directors are urged to comply with federal, state and local guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The NRA will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and/or make additional statements as needed. Please contact the NRA Competitive Shooting Division at [email protected], visit the website at https://competitions.nra.org or follow on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/nracompetitiveshooting.
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See more: NRA Cancels 2020 National Rifle & Pistol Championships