Savage's Renegauge semi-automatic shotgun has been turning heads since its debut last year, and the platform continues to evolve with the release of the new Renegauge Competition (MSRP: $1,959).

Retaining the innovative D.R.I.V. dual-valve gas system, the Renegauge Competition builds on the original 12-gauge model by adding new elements to give the platform an edge for competitive shooting applications, such as oversized controls. An extended magazine tube provides 10-round capacity (9+1), which in conjunction with the easy-load magazine port will aid in reloading on the move in 3-gun and multi-gun competition.
The 24-inch fluted barrel is finished with Melonite, while the receiver, magazine tube and extended skeet light modified choke are finished in Cerakote. A carbon-steel ventilated rib is equipped with a red Hi-Viz Tri-Comp front sight. As for the matte black stock, it’s adjustable for length-of-pull, comb height, drop and cast.
In addition, all reciprocating components are chrome lined for durability, and the stock rod buffer will help to reduce felt recoil. The one-piece action bar assembly (including the pusher sleeve) is laser-welded to the carrier and chrome plated for increased strength and ease of assembly and disassembly.
Learn more at savagearms.com.
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