Have you heard of the Student Air Rifle Program (SAR) yet? Developed by the Missouri Youth Sport Shooting Alliance, this innovative new program has aligned itself with public schools, offering Olympic-style 10 meter standing air rifle competition for school-aged juniors in grades 4 through 12. The use of standardized competition air rifles makes introducing competitive shooting to the next generation of student-athletes a breeze.

The new program is also introducing students to Olympic shooting sports, without the need for expensive equipment. Mike Thiemer, USA Shooting's coach academy director has been working with Jake Hindman, president of SAR for the last three years.

Thiemer explained to SSUSA: “When Jake told me about his plans to bring an air rifle program into the public school system as a classroom activity, I did not think this would happen with so much anti-gun sentiment in school. Jake and his team of volunteers have put together a great program with teacher instructor training, professional-level training materials, air rifles, targets, pellets, funding support, etc. The program is ready to be delivered in any state and school system. It’s absolutely an incredible success story for the shooting sports.”

Five new Missouri schools will begin SAR programs in the next few months, and the group hopes to expand nationally in the future. SAR also offers Basic Air Rifle Instructor courses for coaches, parents and teachers interested in conducting matches at their own schools.
For more information visit: www.studentairrifleprogram.org.