The silhouette shooter’s most valuable asset cannot be purchased or practiced. That asset is your spotter—the person who looks through the spotting scope, sees things much more clearly and has none of the match pressure the shooter experiences. This person can aid greatly in setting the mood and help—or hinder—mental attitude on the line.
Pick someone who has a complementary personality, whether of a jokester or a serious person. It only matters that this person is backing you up and is as reliable as your perfect rifle and perfect load. It’s an asset to shoot with someone in your same class, therefore your spotter has the same goals you do.
If you must spot with someone in a different class, pick someone in a higher class. Shooting with someone better than you is a learning experience not an embarrassment. In the offhand silhouette sports, good spotters are sought after and will be an important function of a high score. Always thank whomever spotted for you and never blame them for a poor showing on your part.
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