Whenever you shoot on a range with other shooters, one person will be in charge of the range. That person is called the Range Officer. In order to make sure the range is operated safely, the Range Officer uses a series of range commands, which must be followed at all times.
A range has a preparation area, a firing line, firing points, target holders and a backstop. Shooters use the preparation area behind the firing line to get their equipment ready and wait for their turn to shoot. Shooters take their positions on a firing point just behind the firing line. The target is hung on a target holder the correct distance from the firing line. The backstop catches the bullet just after it goes through the target so there will be no danger to people or property around the range.
Below are common range commands that you are sure to hear at an air gun or smallbore competition. Note: These commands may be slightly different depending on the Range Officer and the type of shooting being done.
Move to the firing line. Carry your equipment from the preparation area to your firing point. Shooters are normally divided into relays (or groups) and are called to the firing line in relay order. Pick up your rifle (or other firearm) and get into position.
Your preparation period starts now. The preparation period usually lasts three minutes. You may not load the rifle, but dry firing is permitted.
Load. You may load your rifle.
Commence firing. Begin shooting. After your first shot, continue shooting until you have finished your target. In match shooting, there will be a time limit.
Cease firing. Stop shooting immediately. If you have not finished shooting, stop, open the action and unload your rifle. (BB guns and air rifles must be unloaded by shooting them into the backstop. The Range Officer will tell you when to do this.) The Range Officer will check all rifles to be sure they are unloaded.
The range is clear, you may leave the firing line. When the Range Officer has checked all rifles, he or she will announce that the range is all clear and you can pick up your rifle and equipment and carry it back to the preparation area. The rifle action must be open when it is taken from the firing line, preferably with an empty chamber indicator.
Here are safety rules you must follow whenever you are on a range.
- Keep the action of your rifle open at all times, except when you are on the firing line and the preparation period has begun or the command to commence firing has been given.
- Obey all commands from the Range Officer.
- Whenever you handle your rifle, point the muzzle up or towards the target.
Learn more about NRA gun safety at gunsafetyrules.nra.org.