Got come-ups? They’re right there on the box, including competition ranges of 300 and 600 yards.
Static Tests
Creedmoor Sports sent me a box of 50 cartridges to test drive for readers. Measuring 10 cartridges with dial calipers and a bullet comparator produced the following averages:
OAL to the bullet tip: 3.248”
Variation: 3.248-3.251” or +/- .003”
OAL to the ogive: 2.651”
Variation: 2.650-2.654” or +/- .004”
Using a Sinclair concentricity gauge, bullet runout of one cartridge measured .001”; the remaining nine were less than .001”.
For comparison, Greek military surplus M2 Ball from CMP measured as follows:
OAL to the bullet tip: 3.323”
Variation: 3.317-3.327” or +/- .010”
OAL to the ogive: 2.652”
Variation: 2.643-2.662” or +/- .019”
Bullet runout for three cartridges was less than .001”; the remaining seven varied from .001-.004”.

One hundred yard groups fired at a competition pace measured 1 ¾ to 2 inches from a non-match grade M1903A4 with 2.5x scope.
Because Creedmoor Sports is marketing the ammo specifically to shooters of M1 Garand, M1917 and M1903 rifles, I ran Creedmoor’s ammo through the M1903A4 I use for Vintage Military Sniper Rifle competition, which has a Criterion barrel and a Hi-Lux reproduction of the M73B1 2.5x scope. Tests were conducted at 100 yards from sandbags on a concrete shooting bench. I warmed the barrel with five rounds to simulate competition sighters and fired ten-shot strings, waiting 30 seconds between shots to simulate the shooting pace in competition. A six o’clock wind gusted 0-10mph. The ammo stayed in the shade at an ambient air temperature of 55°F.
Ten-shot groups ran a consistent 1 ¾ to 2 inches at 100 yards. By comparison, Greek military surplus M2 Ball holds about 3 MOA in this rifle. Expecting more from any match grade ammo in a non-match grade rifle is overly optimistic.
Results of a sample ten-shot string over a chronograph are:
Highest velocity: 2756fps
Lowest velocity: 2697fps
Average velocity: 2723fps
Extreme spread: 59.96fps
Standard deviation: 17.34
The low standard deviation tells the story of round-to-round consistency during manufacture. Coupled with its excellent concentricity and very consistent bullet seating depth, I expect Creedmoor’s ammunition would shoot MOA and better in a full-on match grade rifle.
CMP offers the Creedmoor ammo by the 100-round case for $130. Adding $10 for shipping makes the net price $1.40 per cartridge. Creedmoor Sports sells a 50-round box for $68 or two boxes for $130, plus shipping. For a bit more savings, Creedmoor has blemished or mixed lot ammo for $62.50 per 50 rounds. For more information, refer to both www.creedmoorsports.com and www.thecmp.org.