This July 14-18, NRA will conduct a Junior Rifle Camp geared towards teen student-athletes. The camp will be at Wa-Ke’-De Range, Bristol, IN; and Howe Military Academy, Howe, IN. The cost of the camp is $350.
The camp is not meant for beginners, and will only admit shooters that have at least one year of three-position rifle experience under their belt. Student-athletes who are currently enrolled in middle school or junior high school will be admitted at the Camp Director’s discretion. High school graduates are eligible until the year of their 20th birthday.
Topics at the camp will cover safety fundamentals, proper sighting-in techniques, prone position, standing position, kneeling position, wind and weather classes; rifle care and cleaning classes; positive attitude and goals classes, sports psychology classes; awards ceremony etiquette classes, nutrition classes; preparing to shoot in college seminars, and more.
Shooting instruction will be at the range, and classroom instruction will be on the Howe Military Academy campus. Barracks rooms and showers will also be provided by the Howe Military Academy. Housing costs are included in the entry fee. Three meals a day will be provided by the Howe Military Academy (except for the first day and the last day when meals will be less than three) and will be served in their cafeteria.
Campers must bring their own shooting equipment. This includes rifles, shooting clothing, shooting stands, slings, kneeling rolls, prone mats, spotting scopes, and ammunition. Campers should dress comfortably in athletic appropriate clothing and footwear. Additionally, campers should bring their own shower gear, sleeping bag, or sheets and a blanket for a twin bed; a pillow; favorite snacks and spending money for one evening out.
Student-athletes will be divided into groups of five directed by a staff member while on the firing line. Each day will consist of classes and presentations designed for intermediate level competitors that campers will be able to implement on the range the same day. Participants will also receive an official T-shirt and a certificate of completion at the conclusion of the camp.
NCDS-certified coaches Mary Furr and Clyde Furr will serve as camp directors for the 2018 NRA Junior Smallbore Rifle Camp. The lead instructors for the camp will be current college head coaches and assistant coaches. In addition, the camp will play host to special guest speakers.
There will be a formal competition held on the last day of camp. Finally, the camp will conclude with a competition awards ceremony—complete with medals.
Register now at: coach.nra.org/junior-shooting-camps
Questions? Contact Victoria Croft, NRA Camp Coordinator: [email protected]