Details Revealed For 2023 Metal Madness-Ruger May Shootout

The May 2023 Metal Madness-Ruger Shootout is primed to be the sport’s biggest prize event ever.

posted on March 7, 2023
1 Mmadness 2020 Js
In Metal Madness the firing line is divided into numbered lanes, and shooters must fire all of them. The shoot plate numbers must be hit in numerical order and are randomized for each lane.

More details have been released about the 2023 Metal Madness-Ruger Shootout to be held from May 5-7 at Grand Rivers Shooting Range in Grand Rivers, Kentucky.

The founder of Metal Madness and owner of Grand Rivers Shooting Range, Ed White, said, “This is the biggest Metal Madness-Ruger Shootout Prize event we have ever hosted. Plus, this year’s prize table will be bigger than ever before.”

More than 20 vendors have registered for the 2023 Metal-Madness Ruger Shootout. White also mentioned that several representatives from match sponsors will be attending the competition in person this year.

A shooting discipline on the rise, Metal Madness is a fun game that uses numbered targets in a predetermined order and a stop plate. Scores are determined by time, along with deducted points for missed targets. (Read the Shooting Sports USA intro to Metal Madness article.)

Here are more details about the 2023 Metal Madness-Ruger Prize Shootout from Ed White: “On Saturday and Sunday the registered firearms will be shot both days. The people that register for Friday will shoot both of their courses of fire on Friday. Everyone will shoot the same number of courses of fire, regardless of the days that you shoot. Anyone can register on Friday and shoot all three days if you desire—once Friday’s registration opens. Because of our setup, that is the only way we can shoot for three days. This way more shooters can participate.”

The registration fee for the 2023 Metal Madness-Ruger Prize shootout is $30, an amount that is unchanged from previous years.

Metal Madness competition has been featured at NRA events. Last month, Ed White and his team set up a Metal Madness airsoft range at the 2023 NRA Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. “There were more than 200,000 people at GAOS over the week it is open,” he said. “It was exciting to be a part of such a great event.” Additionally, at the 2019 NRA World Shooting Championship, there was a Metal Madness side event that was popular with attendees.

The Scholastic Action Shooting Program and Metal Madness have formed a strong partnership over the last few years. Metal Madness uses the SASP program as the model for its youth league. And in 2022, eight SASP bays were added to the Grand Rivers facility, allowing it to host invitational and regional SASP events. During the same weekend in May as this year’s Metal Madness-Ruger Shootout, the SASP will host a regional at Grand Rivers Shooting Range. “Metal Madness has found a great partner with the Scholastic Action Shooting Program,” White said.

To register for the 2023 Metal Madness-Ruger Prize Shootout, act quickly—according to White, registration is filling up fast. “If you have not registered yet, time is running out,” he said. Something else to note: MMSSA membership is required to participate in the prize event at the match (MMSSA stands for Metal Madness Shooting Sport Association).

To learn more or to register, visit the Metal Madness website at


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