The folks at Metal Madness, in line with their ethos of keeping this unique shooting discipline as fresh as possible, have developed a new version of the game called “Metal Madness Unlimited,” which they hope will make it more accessible as a sport.

This new version of the Metal Madness discipline adapts the original’s random target numbering system for different types of ranges. For example, Metal Madness Unlimited matches are ideal for ranges already using steel targets, as they can use existing targets and stands. Since many ranges already have steel targets placed in a horizontal layout, it would not be too difficult for such ranges to implement Metal Madness Unlimited. The targets are set up in a random order by numbering them with provided corrugated plastic numbers. In addition, Metal Madness will supply the proprietary scoring program to affiliates for free.
Billed as a discipline that “everyone can participate in with the firearm they own,” Metal Madness Unlimited is also designed for multiple firearms. “If it is a pistol, revolver or PCC, there is a class to shoot in,” Ed White, the founder of Metal Madness, said. “Plus, the Metal Madness bracket ranking system keeps everyone shooting with participants at their skill level.”
In Metal Madness Unlimited competition, there is no drawing from the holster, with all shooters starting from the low-ready position. The Metal Madness scoring system allows a range to shoot up to four strings of fire in each bay. As for scoring, only the best time of each string is recorded for each shooter, with times combined to create a bracket score. To score for record, there must be a minimum of two strings of fire in four bays minimum, and a maximum of eight bays. There are six brackets for each firearm. By allowing multiple strings of fire, but only recording the best time, performative stress should be kept to a minimum.
Perhaps best of all, there is no startup cost to a range affiliating with Metal Madness Unlimited, since the targets and stands that the range already has are utilized. For scores to be recorded on the Metal Madness website, along with bracket bullet awards and to compete in prize events, all participants must be Metal Madness members, which costs the paltry sum of $25 per year.
Metal Madness Unlimited competitions should spread around the country as quickly as the original did. Plus, there are some familiar names backing the project: Ruger (the official firearm of Metal Madness), plus Tandemkross, Hunter HD Gold and Vortex.
Be on the lookout as Metal Madness Unlimited is rolled out during the next few weeks. Visit mmssa.net for more information.