At the 2022 USPSA Multigun Nationals, Lena Miculek claimed the highest overall finish of any woman in the history of the competition with 590.01, taking the High Lady title as well as seventh overall in the Tac-Optics division. The match was held March 30 to April 3 in Clinton, South Carolina, at the Clinton House Plantation.
A Team Hoppe’s shooter, Miculek the victory comes after her return to multigun after three years of focusing on pistol caliber carbine competition.
“I decided it was time to make my comeback to multigun, the sport that made me fall in love with competitive shooting in the first place,” said Miculek. “I had 30 days to return a champion. Training was intense as I picked up my shotgun, rifle and pistol for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. With so many skills to worry about and train, I’m thankful my firearms’ reliability was never a concern. Hoppe’s Elite Gun Oil kept everything running smooth, Gun Medic kept me on the range and Lead-B-Gone wipes helped keep my hands clean for those lunches and dinners I spent training.”
Her best stage was No. 12 “This Head Movie Makes My Eyes Rain,” which she finished with a score of 55.26, third highest for the stage among all of the Tac-Optics shooters.
Meanwhile, Lena’s father Jerry also had a solid finish at the 2022 USPSA Multigun Nationals, taking the Top Super Senior Pro award with a final score of 665.37, which also placed him 25th overall in the field of 139 competitors at the match.
See the full results of the match at the Practiscore website. Learn more about USPSA at uspsa.org.