3GN Loaded up with Great Events for the Coming Month

posted on April 20, 2018
This is shaping up to be an exhilarating month in the already-exciting world of 3-Gun Nation (3GN) competition. 3GN Training, presented by NRA Sports, will be hosting four classes at 3GN clubs across the country over the next month, in an effort to bring fundamental instruction to a wider audience of interested shooters.

These courses will take two different forms. The first is the 3-Gun 101: Basic Training Course, which offers its students a rundown on everything one needs to know before competing in a 3-Gun event. This includes basic 3-gun range commands, a gear and equipment overview for each division, how to maneuver through a course safely, and much more. All that’s required is a fundamental understanding of firearm safety, a basic understanding of pistol, rifle and shotgun platforms, and $250. What’s more, if you don’t have all the right gear, demo equipment is available upon request. The “right gear” is as follows: an AR-15 style rifle, a semi-auto pistol, a 12-gauge autoloading or pump-action shotgun, a belt, a holster, shotgun shell caddies, a mag pouch, 100 rounds of birdshot, 100 rounds of pistol ammo, 100 rounds of rifle ammo, 10 shotgun slugs, and eye and ear protection. To further add to the value, each enrollment comes with a one-year membership into 3-Gun Nation. Courses will be held the following places, at the following dates:

  • April 21: Outdoor Sportsman’s Club, Bellefonte, PA; Instructors Pierre LeClair & Marc McMaster (sold out)
  • April 21: Sandhill Shooting Sports, Lugoff, SC; Instructor Adolphus Jones
  • May 18: Arena Training Facility, Blakely, GA; Instructor Joe Farewell

For those interested in the 3GN South Regional Championship, which is being held directly following the May 18th course (at the same venue), the 3GN Regional Match fee is $150 for trophy-only and $275 for prize table awards.

3GN Long Range
If you happen to be more inclined to farsightedness, 3GN Training will be putting on one additional event, on May 18, as a sister course to the one in Blakely, GA. The 3GN Long Range Rifle Course should be an instructive challenge for novice and veteran shooters alike. Taught by Todd VanLangen, a former Special Forces Sniper/Assaulter, the course will go over ballistics, wind calling, positional shooting, and the minutiae of 3GN Long Range Series rules. The course is priced at $350, and comes with a year-long 3GN membership. Equipment requirements include: a long range capable rifle with an optic and bipod, 200-300 rounds of ammo, two or three spare magazines, shooting bags, Strelok Pro or another ballistic app, and eye and ear protection.
3GN Long Range
Enrollment in the 3GN Long Range Rifle Course also gains one access into a six-stage long range precision rifle match starting the following day, put on by 3GN Long Range in conjunction with 3GN South Regional, and presented by NRA Sports. The match is being held at the same Arena Training facility, and is entry is $100 if one is not also taking the long range rifle course (in which case the fee is included). Membership requirements are being waived, and a free 3GN Membership is included in the $100 entry fee. The event can be completed in one day, but stages will be open both Saturday, May 19, and Sunday, May 20 for competition.

To register for any of these great events, please visit the following links before all spots are filled:


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