The September 2022 Shooting Sports USA digital magazine cover features Indiana First Lady Janet Holcomb on Range Six at Camp Atterbury where she fired the first shot to open the NRA National Matches for the second consecutive year. Mrs. Holcomb, along with NRA First Vice President Willes Lee, Second Vice President David Coy and Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association President Charlie Hiltunen were at the First Shot Ceremony to kick off the 2022 NRA National Matches at Camp Atterbury, which had another successful summer at the Indiana National Guard facility. Read the first half of our coverage of this year’s championships (page 20), including Opening Day and the NRA High Power Rifle OTC, High Power Rifle Mid-Range and Precision Pistol Nationals.

You would think that it would be hard to top the solid-as-a-rock GMR-15, but JP Enterprises has produced a real shredder in its new JP-5 roller-delayed pistol-caliber carbine. By using the roller-delayed blowback operating system and a few other tricks, the JP-5 9 mm PCC has superior recoil management and high tunability, along with a host of competitor-friendly features. Read my review of the JP-5 Steel Challenge Carbine model in Product Focus this month (page 12) and learn all about this speed demon competition PCC.
Whether you enjoy it or not, wind reading is a critical component of successful shooting in any precision rifle shooting discipline. High Power Rifle fans and PRS fans alike won’t want to miss Serena Juchnowski’s interview with former U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit Service Rifle Team Coach, Sgt. 1st Class Walter Craig (page 26). In it, Craig shares his tips for determining wind corrections, wind bracketing and more.
Properly managing transitions is the heart of Steel Challenge competition. In his article this month, Field Editor Chris Christian outlines the eyes lead and hip twist technique that can help shooters achieve faster times in Steel Challenge (page 32). He also shares tips on better target management and getting your eyes on target faster, along with a few red-dot optic recommendations and advice for long gun shooters.
In 3-gun competition, shotgun reloading can often trip up shooters during an otherwise successful stage. In his article this month, Josh Honeycutt delves into the art of speedy shotgun reloading with input from Keith Garcia, a USPSA Grand Master and top 3-gun competitor. Read Honeycutt’s article (page 36) if you want to learn more about the intricacies of quad loading and how to shave seconds from your 3-gun competition scores.
Next month’s issue of the digital magazine will feature the second installment of our match report from the 2022 NRA National Matches at Camp Atterbury, including the High Power Long-Range and Smallbore Rifle Nationals. In addition, be on the lookout for more details about the Pershing International Trophy Match, where a team of 32 shooters traveled from Great Britain to Indiana to compete shoulder-to-shoulder with the U.S team.
John Parker
Editor-in-Chief, Shooting Sports USA
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